Implant Enrollment Accelerator

Are You Only Reaching 3% Of Your Dental Implant Market? 🤔

Watch our cofounder Theo Nguyen explain how YOU can reach a large section of your market that YOUR COMPETITORS AREN'T EVEN THINKING ABOUT!

To find out about our plug and play system that targets your ENTIRE Dental Implant market, qualifies patients before scheduling them with you, and - BONUS - guarantees they will qualify for financing!...

Book an appointment with Theo below for a quick introduction to find out if what we are doing could fit into what you might be looking for. If we both feel its appropriate we can then go more in depths.

What Separates Our Implant Enrollment Accelerator From The Crowd?

  • Helpful, non-salesy advertising approach that not only attracts patients right up front, but also builds your reputation over time so you can become a trusted authority, rather than losing respect in your community for constantly pitching discounts.

  • The lowest effort patient acquisition method available on the market today!

  • Pre-educated, pre-qualified patients who trust you to do what's best for them.

  • No extra burden on your already overworked staff. (Trust me, they feel like they are.)

  • A team that will go above and beyond to give you whatever you need to succeed.

Our Clients' Experiences

Dr. Assi Shares His Experience With The Implant Enrollment Accelerator

Dr. Michael Shares His Experience With The Implant Enrollment Accelerator

Hear Dr. Gonzalez's Story After 6 Months

Case Studies

We help you establish yourself as the DENTAL IMPLANT AUTHORITY in your local community,

so you can scale and achieve time freedom simultaneously,

without the stress that scaling typically would put on their teams and personal lives!

Theodore Nguyen

With an extensive background in sales starting in his teenage years, Theodore is no stranger to making things happen. After spending several years working for other companies, he developed a curiosity for the root of each sale: the marketing that brought prospects to him.

He dove headfirst into the world of marketing strategies and hasn’t looked back since. He is obsessed with making the entire process work, taking prospects from “never heard of you” to closed sales.

When he isn’t working, Theo enjoys physical activities with his wife and two boys, including biking, electric skateboards, and running.

Bradley Martin

For Brad, digital marketing is an exciting combination of science, art, and psychology. He ran his first Facebook ad to promote his music on a whim, and was thrilled to watch new fans coming and enjoying the music he made.

When he realized there was a serious need in the marketplace for effectively capturing and monetizing online traffic, he combined experimentation and extensive training to master every facet of possibility with digital marketing.

From creating the perfect images and ad copy to stimulate the emotions of your target market, to analyzing data and implementing cutting edge technology, Brad obsesses over making the most of your advertising dollars.

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Implant Enrollment Accelerator?